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Spiritual Tour in Nepal


Total Duration:10 Days

Trip Grade:NA

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Spiritual Tours in Nepal 

Since ancient times, Nepal has been regarded as a spiritual heaven. Gods, goddesses, sages and saints spent years meditating and living in this holy land. There are numerous Hindu temples, Buddhist monasteries and natural retreat such as forests, lakes etc., where pilgrims and tourists go to find peace of mind and solace. Visiting temples and monasteries, practicing yoga and meditation, offering prayers and spending time in nature are some spiritual activities people are involved in. Lumbini (birthplace of Buddha), Janakapur (birthplace of Sita), Bodhanath, Swoymabhunath, etc are leading spiritual centers in the country.

Those who are seeking peace of mind, mental and physical stability and a peaceful time away from the fast-paced, hectic lifestyle will find spiritual tours an enlightening and transformative experience. We organize and design various types of spiritual tours as per the needs of clients. Please contact us for booking a spiritual tour in Nepal and for further information.

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Nepal –Tibet Trekking (P) is a leading trekking and adventure outfitter in the Himalayas. We have highly qualified and professional team members, who are dedicated to customer service and satisfaction. We provide personalized tours and…

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